This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Fire And Rain, Genesis 19

September 11, 2011 Speaker: Dr. David Silvernail Series: The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis

Topic: Sermons Passage: Genesis 19:1–19:29

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah reminds one of the phrase, "What if your life exists just to serve as a warning to others?" Lot and Lot's wife are included in those warnings, as they both exhibited less-than-total devotion to the Lord and a sympathy for the things of the world. Dr. Silvernail's sermon reminds us that Christians should be in the world, but when the world is in us, we can easily be burned and forsake the things of God.

More in The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis

July 29, 2012

God Meant It For Good, Genesis 50

July 22, 2012

Final Words... Final Faith, Genesis 49-50

July 8, 2012

Promises and Blessings, Genesis 47-48